ActiKid® supports the charity Inter Care which supplies high-quality medical aid to rural health units in sub-Saharan Africa.
Inter Care is based in Leicester, UK and sends vital medical aid to around 130 health centres within 6 sub-Saharan African countries.
It offers sustained support in Cameroon, Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Zambia by sending regular supplies of quality, essential and basic aid. The charity has donated over £13 million of medical aid with thanks to it’s supporters. Aid is now focused on sending donated medicines from pharmaceutical and medical manufacturers and healthcare items from GPs.
The health units Inter Care supports include hospitals, health centres, infirmaries, prisons, dispensaries, schools, centres for the disabled and for orphaned and vulnerable children. The medicines and medical supplies it sends to their beneficiaries are used in the diagnosis and treatment of a range of diseases and conditions including malaria, bacterial, fungal and worm infections.
Inter Care’s low overheads and unique approach means it achieves a huge impact on the lives of some of the poorest people in Africa. The catchment population of the health units it supports is over 11 million.
Website: https://intercare.org.uk/
Telephone: +44(0)116 2695925
E-mail: info@intercare.org.uk