
Bananas - Does my child need them?

Bananas does my child need them

The yellow fruit “banana” is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with energy-giving carbohydrate and heart-healthy potassium. Bananas are nutritious and carry the title of the first “super food,” endorsed by the American Medical Association in the early 20th century as a health food for children and a treatment for celiac disease.

Bananas contain essential sources of potassium, vitamin B6, fibre, carbohydrate, manganese and vitamin C. As they contain a lower water content than most fruit, bananas typically have more calories as well as a higher sugar content compared to other non-tropical fruits. It is also considered a low-fat food.

Glucose, fructose, and sucrose are the natural sugars present in bananas which boosts energy. Your child can highly benefit from this fruit, furthermore, it is available all year round.

Let’s have a quick look at the benefits of banana: 

1. Gives Instant Energy

Bananas are normally associated with sports. As growing children are physically active throughout the day, they get tired very fast and need lot of energy to do many activities. To maintain and boost up their energy levels, regular consumption of bananas can act as an energy booster. The carbohydrates present in ripe bananas provides energy instantly. It may be wise to include a banana in your child’s packed lunch to boost their energy levels after they’ve had their lunch.

2. Contributes to Strong Bones

Bananas are rich in potassium. The potassium neutralises the sodium that may be present in your child’s diet and thereby makes the child’s bones strong. The calcium that is lost during urination can be supplemented by a banana.

3. Improves Eyesight

Regular consumption of bananas helps in maintaining better eyesight. Bananas can improve your child’s vision. Vitamin A that is present in bananas are good for eyesight as It protects the retina from any kind of diseases.

4. Good for Digestion

The fibre present in bananas is very good for digestion. Regular intake of bananas regulates the bowel movement and prevents gastric problems. The fibrous content gives a feeling of fullness and your child will not feel hungry for a while.

5. Increases Brain Power

Bananas are a good fuel for your child’s brain. Potassium, which is present in bananas help with blood circulation, this is vital for the brain’s performance. Bananas also help increase your child’s concentration power and it can be a good snack to give to your kid during study hours.

6. Prevents Anaemia

In the absence of red blood cells production, i.e. iron deficiency which leads to anaemia. Your child’s diet should include iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 and copper in sufficient quantity for the creation of red blood cells. Therefore, banana which is enriched enough with all these nutrients helps in producing haemoglobin. Iron is good for your child as it prevents them from getting anaemic.

Bananas can be introduced in your children’s diet from a very early stage, this can be after 6 months onwards. You may include bananas in your child’s diet in various forms. Try and include it with every meal. The high level of antioxidants present in bananas protects your child against all kinds of chronic diseases.

Our favourite banana puns:

• Why don’t bananas snore?
   Because they don’t want to wake up the rest of the bunch.

• Where do bananas go to learn?
   Sundae school.

• Why did the farm hand lose his job on the banana farm?
   He kept throwing the bent bananas away.

If you want your child to maximise their potential it is important to give them the necessary vitamins which allows them to be productive.

These vitamins can be obtained from fruits like bananas and also vitamin supplements such as our Actikid Magic Beans which contain 12 vitamins and minerals. ActiKid Magic Beans are also formulated to increase energy and reduce tiredness and fatigue.

ActiKid – Nourishing the next generation.   

This article contains general information regarding health and well-being. This information is not intended as advice and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to advice from medical or educational professionals
